ID Xerox 860
Short Name
Name 860
Company Xerox
Description This wonderful computer was mainly used as an advanced wordprocessing system, but it could do much more.
The full-text monitor could display 70 lines of 102 characters. The text could be black on a white background, or the inverse.
The Xerox 860 was equipped with one of the first WYSIWYG word processors: BravoX (later called "Xerox Document System Editor") which was originally developed for the 1972 Xerox Alto and became the predecessor of virtually all modern word processors
Two 8" disks (600 kb) stored the files. Each disk catalog could store up to 560 files.
The system was sold with a Diablo printer, which was bidirectional and could print 40 characters per second. Up to three Xerox 860 could share one Diablo printer. The printer spooler could store up to 20 documents waiting to be printed.
The Xerox 860 could also be used to write and send electronic mails or work with data-bases through an Ethernet network.
There was another version called 'Supertext' which was the same system but with a smaller screen (24 x 102 characters).
These kind of systems were very expensive!
Date Available March 1980
Type Computer
Alternate Names Xerox 860
Matches tosec Xerox 860 - Fonts
tosec Xerox 860 - System
tosec Xerox 860 - Utilities
oldcomputers 488
tosec Xerox 860 - Fonts
    "id": "Xerox 860 - Fonts",
    "name": "Xerox 860 - Fonts",
    "altNames": [
        "Xerox 860"
tosec Xerox 860 - System
    "id": "Xerox 860 - System",
    "name": "Xerox 860 - System",
    "altNames": [
        "Xerox 860"
tosec Xerox 860 - Utilities
    "id": "Xerox 860 - Utilities",
    "name": "Xerox 860 - Utilities",
    "altNames": [
        "Xerox 860"
oldcomputers 488
    "type_id": 1,
    "id": 488,
    "pages": {
        "links": "links.asp?c=488&st=1",
        "docs": "docs.asp?c=488&st=1",
        "comments": "forum.asp?c=488&st=1"
    "image": "",
    "company_link": "company.asp?st=1&m=145",
    "company_name": "Xerox",
    "company_logo": "",
    "description": "This wonderful computer was mainly used as an advanced wordprocessing system, but it could do much more.\nThe full-text monitor could display 70 lines of 102 characters. The text could be black on a white background, or the inverse.\nThe Xerox 860 was equipped with one of the first WYSIWYG word processors: <b>BravoX</b> (later called \"<i>Xerox Document System Editor</i>\") which was originally developed for the 1972 Xerox Alto and became the predecessor of virtually all modern word processors\nTwo 8\" disks (600 kb) stored the files. Each disk catalog could store up to 560 files.\nThe system was sold with a Diablo printer, which was bidirectional and could print 40 characters per second. Up to three Xerox 860 could share one Diablo printer. The printer spooler could store up to 20 documents waiting to be printed.\nThe Xerox 860 could also be used to write and send electronic mails or work with data-bases through an Ethernet network.\nThere was another version called 'Supertext' which was the same system but with a smaller screen (24 x 102 characters).\nThese kind of systems were very expensive!",
    "name": "860",
    "manufacturer": "Xerox",
    "type": "Professional Computer",
    "origin": "U.S.A.",
    "year": "March 1980",
    "keyboard": "AZERTY/QWERTY full-stroke keyboard, 48 keys, 20 function keys",
    "ram": "128 kb",
    "text_modes": "102 x 70 (A4 monitor)",
    "graphic_modes": "None",
    "colors": "black and white",
    "sound": "None",
    "built_in_media": "2 x 600 KB 8'' double sided disk-drives (some systems were sold with single sided drives)",
    "power_supply": "PSU built-in",
    "peripherals": "Printer",
    "price": "16115 <img src=\"/site/graphs/euro.gif\" align=\"bottom\">  (France, 82)",
    "links": [
            "url": "",
            "name": "Xerox 860 user manual",
            "description": "In .pdf format"